Saturday, April 25, 2009

Runningback Zachary Nelson

This is one of Zach's favorite games to play in the backyard. Daddy hands off the BALL and he runs (while laughing) until it is time to spike it! He is so funny!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Who is this??

Grandma Jo brought over Andy's baby book...I found this picture and it made me smile. Zach is so much like his Daddy!

(Taken April of 1981)

Quack Quacks

Look what came walking through our front yard!!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Zach is SO funny!

This was the first time we have ever heard Molly laugh so hard...which made Zach laugh harder. He really put on a show for her...and she loved it...which brought him (and us) such joy!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Zach's comfort

Grandma Jo reminded me that I should try to capture Zach's comfort move. Zach has never used a pacifier, blanket, thumb...but has comforted himself with his hands...see picture. This is the same way he always was in every sonogram picture...and has done this everyday since birth. In the car ride home, I was finally able to get a picture of it. This is our Zach!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Kansas Trip 2009

We spent 4 days in Kansas and had the best time!
We were able to spend some quality time with family and friends!
Zach & Cousin Hannah were able to get know each other and play. Theyare 9 days apart.

Great Grandma Hawk, Mommy & Zach. Zach was able to serenade her with his ABCs.
We spent a lot of time outside playing in Grandpa & Grandma's yard...swinging & playing. Zach got a chance to play with his 2nd cousins too.

Time with Grammy...had an Easter Egg Hunt, celebrated Zach's 2nd birthday, went to story time at the Library, went to the Zoo...we had such a great time!! Here are a few of many great picture we took.

Monday, April 06, 2009

Zach HAT

Mommy's friend, Gretchen, made hats for Zach & Molly!
They are the cutest hats I have ever seen!! Zach loved it!
He opened the package saying Molly's hat, Zach's hat...put it on and wanted to wear it all night...even inside.
Thanks Trudy for sharing your talents with us!!
Mommy already put in an order for one for her!! from my cell phone camera in the car

Will get a picture of Molly in hers soon! Zach's has his name and Molly's has a ribbon fitting!!

Be one with the BALL

It is the end of Basketball season...but the season is year round in our house.
Zach now points out every basketball hoop in sight as we drive to school.
Last night, he decided that HE was part of the hoop.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Hunting for Easter Eggs

First Annual Easter Egg Hunt...7 kids.
(Grayson Robbins, Wyatt Defries, Zach & Molly Nelson, Hailey Hardt, non pictured...Lars & Danny Martin)