Friday, March 26, 2010

Monday, March 22, 2010

Zach's 3 year stats

Height: 39 inches (90th percentile)
Weight: 36 lbs 5 the way he is now old enough that they don't count ounces and just round up to 37 lbs. (90th percentile)

No more do they measure his head...but we still know that with all of him...90th percentile as he has always been.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Zach's new bike

Zach's 3rd birthday party (with his buddies)

Zach's 10 closest friends...(clockwise from left): Bella, Keon, Gio, Samantha, Ben, Blake, Wyatt, Zach, Molly, Mommy, Mason & Hailey. (all have been blogged before...only one missing was Charlie who Zach kept asking where he was...vacation!)
Our neighbor, buddies!!
High five!!
family birthday picture!!
We decided to start celebrating the kids birthdays together in the summer so we can play outside! With all the friends and family...but decided to have one last one with just friends this weekend since Grandpa & Grandma were coming in town.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Start the Birthday celebrating...with Grandpa & Grandma

We opened presents with Grandpa and Grandma today.... Grandma make Zach a cross stitch with his name and some cool cars!
Grandpa got Zach a new bike! After trying several out, he picked one is getting assembled and we will pick it up tomorrow!!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Ready for Sea

Grandma Jo & Papa Dave brought this hat back from theit trip for Zach...he has been wearing it proudly and fought his sister for it everytime she gets her hands on it!
The second she finds it, on the head it goes....and the drama begins!! (have I mentioned that living with a 3 year old is a full time DRAMA show!!)

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Hailey's 3rd Birthday Party

Hip Hip for Hailey!!
Hailey's party was at a little gym with lots of fun games and equipment to play on...they played hard enough to break a good sweat!
high five the birthday girl...

We have known Hailey since she was 6 months...has been fun celebrating each birthday together!! Hailey's Mom, Megan, is one of Mommy's closest friends.