Sunday, June 28, 2009

Weekend Up North...some firsts...lots of pictures..lots of FUN~

We had a whirl wind weekend of fun at both the Freeland's and the Nelson's cabins.
3 days of solid fun!! Zach & Bailey had a great time together...they were up bright & early and ready to fish! Zach's first time fishing! Bailey caught 3...all with no bait! That is a skill!

"Driving" the real boat and one their size at Moonlight Bay!

We took Zach tubing for the first time...he was a pro! Bailey loved having someone to go her speed!

Playing with the 4th of July decorations...the 4th of July is a big tradition up north with the Freeland's.
Then it was time to head to the Nelson's cabin...
Zach was into "helping" Papa Dave...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

27 Months...

Molly is 7 months today which means Zach was 27 months yesterday! Not sure how long you are "supposed" to refer to kids in months...but at this point it is so they are exactly 20 months and one day apart. Now that Molly's personality is showing more and she is more able to interact...they are quite into each other. Zach loves to talk to her and make her giggle! It is so cute to look in the rearview mirror in the car and see them laughing at each other! I hope they grow-up to be the best of buddies!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day at the Park

Zach & Molly love their Daddy!
We had a nice day together as a family to celebrate how blessed we are!!
This was Andy's 3rd Father's day! Here are links to past Father's Days...
It was an overcast day, so we spent the morning at the park instead of the pool. Zach's friend Mason was able to meet us there too!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Toy Corner

Zach likes to sit in the corner and pull all the toys around him...
and this time Molly got to be part of Toy Corner

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Inaugurational Pool Weekend

Nothing says SUMMMER like a day at the pool!
We LOVE the pool and now it feels like summer has finally begun! First time down the slide!!
Zach & his best buddy, Hailey, hanging at the pool

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Ellen & Svai come to Edina!

This is the ONLY way to where your hat!
Svai & Ellen read bedtime books with Zach tonight!

Saturday, June 06, 2009

BBQ Buds

We have Friday Night BBQs with Zach's two buddies every week...this week, we did it on Saturday to include Ellen & Svai. Zach, Charlie & Hailey were born within 3 weeks of each other. They have so much fun together!!

Mommy & Zach