Monday, November 29, 2010

Message from Santa

Yes, we are not sure where it came from but everything we ask Zach what he wants for Christmas he tells us something different but all among band items and always a backup for Molly. Guitar & Violin for Molly, Trombone and stand for my microphone and one for Molly.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Her birthday is MY birthday too!!

Zach is working on the understanding that Molly's birthday is not exactly HIS birthday! He loved her party because his friends were there too, he loved the cake...then came her's a hard lesson. He kept talking about in March when he has a party... Blake, Zach & Tommy Brown

Hailey & Zach...loving the slide!

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Zach made sure we waited until he was up from his nap before we shoveled...and he was so happy to be helping:)Time to build our own Frosty
The final touches out our Frosty